

When I was 16, I traveled to Valdivia with my family, and it was great, it was 2 weeks of just fun, we sailed on the Calle Calle river and ate very good food, the food was the best part of the trip.
Another great vacation was the trip to Brazil with my friends, but I got sick in the middle of the trip.
I got sick the day before we were going to go to some pools, so I lied saying I was fine, when I returned to Chile I was hospitalized LOL, for that reason, I do not consider Brazil my best vacation. But I have very good memories and pictures of that trip, although now I remember I got lost on the beach and I got locked in a public bathroom.
The trip to Valdivia with my family wins over Brazil, with my family we went to many places, we spent two nights in Mancera, and two nights in Choshuenco.
Chochuenco is impressive, the mountain range mixes with the lake of the place, but the water is warm.
I hope that someday you can visit Valdivia or Choshuenco, they are beautiful places.


  1. Hi Ana! I love Valdivia, it is so beautiful and picturesque, I would love to visit it more often <3

  2. Valdivia is very cute, and if I remember that you got sick in Brazil, I still got sick on that trip hahaha

  3. Hello Mandi! Valdivia is amazing and the food is pretty tasty as you say, I hope you can go back to Brazil but without getting sick and you can enjoy that beautiful country.


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