
 Hello friends, today I am going to talk about jobs, I must confess that the words "jobs" and "career", for me were synonymous, I have always thought that one should work in what one studies, however, we can talk about work as something that is done out of necessity, and perhaps we will work while studying a university career.

For example, I work every summer to gather and save money, and I do it because I study architecture and I need money for the mockups, but since they are part-time jobs, they are not related to the career I am studying. I've worked selling pizza, in department stores, and delivering flyers.

I have worked at many part-time jobs, but there is one that I would like to get and I have not been able to do it, wearing a Doctor Simi costume and dancing in front of their pharmacies. Even I would like to work in this job for the rest of my life. For this, I would need an exceptional dancing talent.

I believe that if I ever get that job I will be the happiest person in life,

I think I have dreamed of going to the dance competitions among "Doctors Simi", I find it exciting, I think it is the best job in life.

Clearly, you have to endure the heat inside the costume, but it's absolutely worth it.

Thanks for reading me and I hope to see you in the next blog, bye 


  1. Hi baby! <3
    My nephew loves Doctor Simi! Once he dressed up as him on Halloween hahaha he also has dolls of him <3
    I would love to see you dressed as Dr. Simi!

  2. Hello Ana! That sounds very entertaining jajaja I hope you make it and be very happy!

  3. Hello Ana! That job sounds tiring but at the same time fun haha. I'd like to see you one day in this costume! ;)


  4. It sounds like a very difficult job, being in the sun almost most of the day must be horrible, but your dream sounds fantastic.

  5. Hi Ana! Wow, I think it's awesome to see all the jobs you've had, I really admire people who are able to work and study, I personally can't haha

  6. Hi Ana! I think that everyone at some point in our lives, or I at least, have wanted to be Doctor Simi and dance in the street, maybe that is a privilege that very few people can have haha

  7. Hii, you just have to be patient and I'm sure you would win the contests because you have a lot of spirit

  8. Hello ana!! i love dr simi, obviusly is the best job that someone could be!!


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