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  Hi, this is my last blog :) and I must confess that I was very happy writing each blog, I leave very happily with my progress with English at least written. I must add that lately I have read more things in English, almost by necessity, this because I read many manga and webtoons and they were only in English ( sometimes I had to pay for them haha), I say this because thanks to the English classes it has become easier for me to read the things that amuse me uwu, also I have read many gossips of famous people, like the news of Kim Kardashian. The truth is that it was very interesting to write these blogs, I could write about topics that I like to talk about and read to the opinions of my classmates, also to know their stories, I think my favorite blog was the one about the photographs, it was interesting to remember moments of the past and read interesting stories of my owo classmates, I also had fun writing the blog of the future work and think about my future, I am very happy with w

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